Taking the Team Temperature.

 The world is moving at breakneck speed and the one thing we can all rely on is the constant state of change.  It’s a cool Tuesday morning, when the birds are chirping but the hoped for temperature increase is still undecided whether it will visit and stay. Reports are done and we are putting all the final touches on experiential learning opportunities for our students, making sure all details for year end celebrations are in place.

Right now, is also the right time to take the team temperature.  Principals and Vice-Principals play a crucial role in the smooth functioning of our schools.  If you ask a colleague, “Are your surviving” they will probably say, “Yes!”.  But the big question is…are they THRIVING?

Top tips to inspire your team:

1.      Celebrate successes: Recognize the accomplishments of leadership teams!

2.      Create a positive work environment: encourage open communication, collaboration, and a sense of community. Try team building activities and encourage social events.

3.      Encourage creativity: Allow the team to be creative in their work and encourage them to find innovative solutions to challenges.

4.      Laugh: Make sure humour is always at the forefront!

5.      Learn: Provide professional development opportunities so the team can learn and grow in their roles.  Check out mentoring opportunities, coaching and other professional development options available through BCPVPA.


Intention without discipline is useless…Carolyn Myss


When Art Imitates Life; Ryan Reynolds, Rob McElhenney, Ted Lasso and British Football.