This is you in Grade 9...

The BareNaked Ladies sang it best when they screamed ”Awww, man! I’m gonna miss Stairway to Heaven!...” in “Grade 9” that song captures the quintessential memories of many a North American child in high school. And, so it is that we have created memories for our Chinese students with the first ever High School Dance at our Offshore School in Beijing!Decorations were hung, DJ organized, dance lists created, we threw in a few swing dances, along with a few games just to keep the action going. The end result was exactly as it is for kids in BC. Many danced, many hoped for slow dances, some stood awkwardly by the side waiting for a dance, and all of the angst, awkwardness and excitement was captured for a few short hours in our little pseudo BC world right here in the midst of the city.


Go outside and play!


Hockey Night in China!